Discrete Math

30 April 2019

Discrete Mathmatics






a,b,k \(\in\) Z

  1. gcd(a,b) = gcd(a+kb,b) 蠻直觀的
  2. gcd(a,b) = gcd(b,a%b) => Euclidian步驟

Extended Euclidian Algorithm

a,b \(\in\) Z 存在x,y屬於Z ax+by = gcd(a,b) 透過十字交乘法(Euclidian)

故gcd(a,b) = 1時,存在x,y \(\in\) Z ax + by = 1

Relative prime

每個整數可以質因數分解,而且是唯一 p is prime p | \(a_1a_2...a_n\) then p | \(a_i\) for some i

proof : p | ab then p | a or p | b




  1. 加法交換、結合律
  2. 有additive inverse,additive identity(-a,0)
  3. 有乘法結合律、分配律
  4. 注意ring的乘法不一定要有乘法的交換率
  5. Ring不一定要有multiplicative identity(unity)

commutative ring

若ab = ba

proper divisor of zero

b is a proper divisor of zero if

  1. a + z = 0 \(\forall a \in\) R
  2. ab = 0 \(a,b \ne z\)

即a,b相乘為0但a,b都不是additive identity,如矩陣就有此特性

Ring with unity

unity(multiplicative identity) : 我們說一個數字u是unity如果
au = a, \(\forall a \in R\)
有unity的ring叫做ring with unity

multiplicative inverse

先決條件:此ring要有unity 令b為a的multiplicative inverse, 則 ab = u, a則叫做unit

integral domain

定義:某ring為commutative with unity,但沒有proper divisor of zero 可以想成就是在講一般整數的狀況


定義 : ring為commutative with unity,但每個非0(additive identity)的數a都是unit(都有multiplicative inverse)


R(R,+,x),令S \(in\) R,即S內的元素R都有,且S的+,x運算結果都在S內,不會算出一個b $\notin$ S,則S為R的subring

證明方法為已知S的set內的元素且運算規則跟Ring R相同,檢驗S是否符合Ring定義的六個規則,符合的話就是subring,且符合上述兩點的話保證一定會符合Ring的六個規則



additive identity is unique

  1. additive identity is unique(用反證法)
  2. based on 1, additive inverse is also unique

Concellation law of addition

  1. a + b = a + c then b = c(等式左右加上a的inverse)

multiplication of z

  1. \(\forall a \in R\) az = za = z(令z = (a-a)代入)

unity is unique

  1. if Ring R has a unity, then it is unique(同第一點證法)
  2. Since unity is unique, multiplicative inverse is unique

Field \(\in\) Integral domain

Integral domain說明若ab=z其中必有一個為z(additive identity) Field說明每個a \(\ne\) z 為unit(有multiplicative inverse) 因此只要討論Field是否無proper divisor of zero 令ab = z 有兩種情況

  1. a or b = z,此情況符合Integral domain
  2. a and b \(\ne\) z

ab = z
\(a^{-1}\)ab = \(a^{-1}\)z, 根據上述第三點任何數乘z等於z
then b = z



a is congruent to b modulo n \(a \equiv b \pmod{n}\) , 也就是說存在 \(k \in Z\) a = nk+b


\(a \equiv b \pmod{n}\), \(c \equiv b \pmod{n}\),
a,c有相同的餘數,則(a-c) | n , a-c整除n

if \(a \equiv b \pmod{n}\) then
\(a+c \equiv b+c \pmod{n}\)
\(ac \equiv bc \pmod{n}\)
\(a^c \equiv b^c \pmod{n}\)

Ring of modulo

R(\(Z_n\),+,x)是一個ring [0] = {…-2n,-n,0,n,2n…} [k] = {…-2n+k,-n+k,k,k+n}

  1. 令\(Z_n\) = {0,1,2…n-1},即 \(Z_n\)為一個0到n-1的set
    • : \([a]\) + \([b]\) = \([a+b]\)
  2. x : \([a][b]\) = \([ab]\)

特性1 : commutative ring with unity

R(\(Z_n\),+,x)是一個commutative ring with unity [1],additive identity [0]

特性2 : \(Z_n\) is a field in n is prime

Field : Ring with that of every non-zero element is unit

proof : 存在s,t\(\in\) Z,as + bt = 1 then gcd(a,b) = 1,此公式可用Euclidian推得
因此 \(as \equiv 1 \pmod{b}\) , 證明a是unity
所以回到原case,如果gcd(a,n) = 1則保證a一定是unit



  1. 封閉性、結合律
  2. Identity 和 inverse(所以group內元素都要跟modulo是互質,不然沒inverse)

注意 Z,R,Q,C在乘法operator沒有一個是Group因為 0 沒有inverse!!! 在乘法下,\(Z^*\),\(R^*\),\(Q^*\),\(C^*\)才是Group(without 0)

\(Z_n^*\) = {i} \(\forall\) i < n and i is coprime to n}

abelian group(commutative group)



  1. Group的identity,inverse是unique,證法跟ring依樣
  2. 有left,right cancellation
    ab = ac then b = c


跟subring一樣,subgroup H 的element為G的subset,然後operation符合Group的規則 或者符合以下3個規則

  1. H \(\in\) G
  2. a,b \(\in\) H, ab \(\in\) H
  3. a \(\in\)H, \(a^{-1} \in\) H 想法相同,符合這三個條件,就會符合Group的所有定義規則



令(G,o),(H,+),存在函數f: G–>H
函數f代表定義域為G,值域為H,如 a $\in$ G,則f(a) $\in$ H。


  1. f(\(e_G\)) = \(e_H\), identity要互相對應
  2. f(\(a^n\)) = \({f(a)}^n\)
  3. S是G的subgroup,則f(S)是H的subgroup

proof 1:
f(\(e_G\)) * \(e_H\) = \(e_H\)

isomorphic group

Group G,H除了事homomorphic外,更要是一對一(one-to-one)且映成(onto)

Cyclic group

\(g^{|G|}\) = I mod G 肯定的,只是可能order不到G,重複很多次 即Group內有一個元素x,所有元素都可以用x的運算表示,例如(G,+)所有元素都可以用nx來表示,(G,*)所有元素都可以用\(x^n\)表示。

Group (G,+)裡存在一個元素x,使得 \(\forall a \in G\), \(a = x^n\)

EX : H(\(Z_4\),+) => [3]就可以產生所有元素,[3],[2],[1],[0], H = <[3]>

if G has generator then G = \(2,4,p^k,2p^{k}\)
if G has generator, then the amount is \(\phi(\phi(n))\)
if a is generator then \(\forall i, gcd(i,\phi(n)) = 1\) \(a^i\) is generator

order of a

O(G),|G|,G為group的話,就是Group的元素總數 O(a),a為element的話,a的運算所能表現的數,即|<a>| O(-1) = 2, O(1) = 1

Lagrange theorem

G 是一個n的group,則G內每個元素k的order ord(k) | n , n =
可以證明euler theorem


O(e) = 1, identity運算能表現的數只有自己
if |G| = infinite, G is isomorphic to (Z,+)
if |G| = n, G is isomorphic to (\(Z_n\),+)

Fermet little theorem

for any group皆成立,因為group內元素都有inverse,所以保證元素和p互質
p is prime and a,p are relative prime
\(a^{p-1} \equiv 1 \pmod{p}\)

proof :
since gcd(a,p) = 1
存在x,y 使 ax+py = 1
\(a \equiv 1 \pmod{p}\)
又 \(ma \equiv m \pmod{p}\),故不同的ma就會生成一個m,所以gcd(a,p)為1時,a可以為cyclic
group的generator,因此pa就是把a繞過一遍回到a, p-1就是identity

feature of generator

只有\(Z_n\), n = 2,4,\(p^k\),\(p^{2k}\)有generator
如果a是generator則 \(\forall i \perp \phi(n),a^i\)也是generator
若$a^i$是generator則\(\forall p | \phi(n), a^{phi(n)/p} \neq I mod n\)

Polynomial Ring


就是一個多項式他的每項係數都屬於Ring R,然後這種多項式的所有組合形成一個ring R[x],此Ring的set就是多項式 Ring(R,+,*) \(a_0,a_1...a_n \in R\) R[x] = \(a_nx^n+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+...a_0\) R[x] = G[x] 就是比較兩個polynomial相不相同

假設Ring有n個elements, polynomial有k項 R[x]總共有$n^k$個elements


  1. 正常多項式運算
  2. 多項式運算後係數mod p
  3. 運算後的多項式除以一個irreducible的多項式

irreducible polynomial:不能被拆成次方更低的polynomial


  1. R is commutative => R[x] is commutative
  2. R is a ring with unity => R[x] is a ring with unity



f(x) \(\in\) F[x], F is a field(F是一個field,用這個field的element建造出一個polynomial的set F[x])
f(x) is reducible(可被拆成兩個多項式)
g(x),h(x) \(\in\) F[x], f(x) = g(x)h(x) if

  1. deg(f(x)) > 2
  2. f(x)的根 \(\in\) F

Euclidian for polynomials

f(x),g(x) \(\in\) F[x], deg(f(x)) < deg(g(x))
g(x) = f(x)q(x) + r(x) where deg(r(x)) < deg(f(x))
f(x) = r(x)\(q_1(x)\) + \(r_1(x)\) where deg(\(r_1\)(x)) < deg(r(x))
用上述方法得gcd(f(x),g(x)) = 1 則f(x),g(x)互質

Congruent in polynomial

s(x) \(\in\) F[x]
定義H[x] = F[x]%s(x)
[f(x)] + [g(x)] = [f(x)+g(x)]
[f(x)] * [g(x)] = [f(x)g(x)] = [f(x)g(x) mod s(x)]

if s(x) is reducible, H[x]是一個field

Galois field

polynomial ring的算法就是兩polynomial做運算,係數mod特定數字,這樣不能保證內部每個元素都有inverse 所以Galois field就是polynomial ring運算後再mod一個irreducible的polynomial,這樣就會變成一個field:galois field
$GF(2^n)$ : n-1次多項式,係數只能是0 or 1,mod一個n次多項式(irreducible),加法就是xor,乘法就是shift + xor
$GF(p^n)$ : n-1次多項式,係數小於p,mod一個n次多項式….

Quadratic residual

xx = a a是quadratic residual,在finite field裡
如果n = p,b是generator,a是QR iff \(a=b^i\),整個group/field裡有(p-1)/2個QR
n = pq,a is QR iff a $\in$ Q(p ) and a $\in$ Q(q) Q(p )
Q(q) = (p-1)(q-1)/4

Euler phi function


\(\phi(n)\) = {x where 1 \(\leq\) x \(\leq\) n & x \(\perp\) n}
\(|Z_n^*|\) = \(\phi(n)\) if n is a prime


\(\phi(p) = p-1\)
\(\phi(p^k) = p^{k-1}(p-1)\)
\(\phi(mn) = \phi(m)\phi(n)$ $if m\)\perp$$ n


proof 2

\(p^k\) 有{p,2p,3p…\(p^{k-1}p\)}個數不行, 所以總共是\(p^k\) - \(p^{k-1}\)數與p互質

proof 3

a \(\perp\) mn iff a \(\perp\) m and a \(\perp\) n, 故與mn互質得數必和m互質也和n互質
令a = ni + j,只要j\(\perp$n則a\)\perp\(n<br /> 故令a = {j,n+j....(m-1)n+j}必和n互質,對於每個j有\)\phi\((m)個數<br /> 故總共有\)\phi(n)\phi(m)$$

如果 \(i_1\)n+j = \(i_2\)n+j mod m,透過消去得知\(i_1\)n = \(i_2\)n mod m,因為n\(\perp\)m 且$i_1,i_2 < m\(故\)_1\(= $i_2\)。

Euler phi function

Euler theorem

if a \(\perp\) n,即(a|\(Z_n^*\)) 且 a>n then \(a^{\phi(n)}\) = 1 mod n,跟費馬小定理一樣 \(\phi(n)\) = {\(c_1,c_2..c_{\phi(n)}\)} \(ac_1ac_2...ac_{\phi(n)} \equiv c_1c_2...c_{\phi(n) \pmod{n}}\) 因\(c_i \perp n\)故可以抵銷掉得到 \(a^{\phi(n)} \equiv 1 \pmod{n}$ !!! 在group內\)c_1 \perp n\(才會有 $c_1\)的inverse,所以不能是所有1~n-1數字拿下去乘